Summer is a great time for starting quick sewing projects, and it is so satisfying to hold up a finished outfit at the end of an afternoon. Getting a project done in a reasonable amount of time can be a lot of fun, but what if your quick project turns into a summer-long nightmare? Do you give up and put the machine away? Or do you keep fighting the tangled mass of thread and fabric? Here are some tips for avoiding knots in you projects.

Start Off on the Right Foot

Some sewing machines have different presser feet for different stitches. While a quick look at the ones that come with your machine may not reveal much more than subtle differences, using the wrong one can result in broken needles and tangled bobbins. Many digital machines have a sensor that will detect whether or not you are using the correct foot and will display an error message if they detect a mismatch. However, if your machine does not have this feature, it is important to check the presser foot manually by turning the flywheel slowly and making sure the needle clears the opening in the foot properly.

Keep a Healthy Amount of Tension

Adjusting the tension in your stitches is a bit of an art and a science. There is no specific setting that is perfect for every fabric. Before working with any new fabric, always sew a test patch to make sure the tension on your machine is adjusted properly for that particular fabric. If the stitches are loose and loopy, the tension needs to be increased, and if the stitches are tight and tangled, the tension needs to be decreased.

Another thing that can have a serious effect on the tension of your thread is the bobbin. If you have tried adjusting the tension levels on the machine but are still getting knots, try re-threading your bobbin. A loosely threaded bobbin will cause tension problems in your under stitching. Make sure you follow your machine's bobbin threading procedure precisely in order to avoid this. 

Compatibility is the Key

Certain fabrics, such as satin and knit jersey, are very temperamental if you are using the wrong needle. By making sure your needle is compatible with your fabric, you can avoid this problem before you begin sewing. In order to test this compatibility, hold up a piece of your fabric and prick it with the needle you plan to use. If the needle goes into the fabric with minimal resistance, you have found the right combination. If it does not, try a smaller universal needle or one that is specifically designed for the type of fabric you are using. 

By following these simple tips, you can make sure that your summer sewing projects are successful. Get more sewing tips and information about different machines by talking with someone at a business like Hi Fashion Sewing Machines.
